Sunday, May 3, 2009

Camelback Early Morning Hike

What a beautiful early morning it was. I love this hike ,Its a family tradition when my dad comes in town we always hike camelback. The last time we got to go is when I was pregnant with Sophie, so it has been awhile. I have been craving to go, so needless to say I asked a couple friends Ande and Rachelle both which are running buddies.We had such a great time. Its such a great challenging hike fun fun!!

This is why we live in the beautiful Arizona!!!

We made it to the top and made some picture buddies, this couple were too cute!!
Just a little down time................... until we head back down......................

Down we go , much faster going down then up ..................

I think about this point Ande said hand over the camera, Sorry I get a little camera happy!!!!!!!!
Especially when we are having a good time .

Fun Fun we must do it again soon............................ Good Hike ........ Great company.......... beautiful views..............Lots of laughs............ lots of sweat..............All good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nikki said...

I have always wanted to try to hike Camelback. I love hiking. I am glad you guys were able to go and have fun.

Stacy and Ryan said...

that hike is crazy! It was alot of fun when we all went with your dad. Miss you guys a ton!