What a fun field trip Sage had. I chaperoned Sage, Sam and
Mckay ,both Sages friends. Sage was so looking forward to this field trip , he brought me the field trip paper right after school and said mom you have got to go . So I did it was great to see Sage have so much fun. He was so excited about the gun fight, it began at 1115 they said we will shot three rounds ,you then have 15 min. to come find a seat.So off we went to look at this cool pioneer village but before to long the boys were having me check the time, they wanted to make sure they got back early to get the front row seat. Yes after several times of checking the time we headed back. They ran towards the end . It was fun seeing the excitement in there eyes.

Come on mom I wanted you to go with but whats with all the pictures? Sage was not thrilled about taking a picture with me on his field trip. but he still was a good sport.........

He just made a nail..............

The boys were looking in at the school teachers classroom when she yelled boys
don't stick your heads through the windows. So we went in , it was interesting to see how the classroom ran back then. She
also told them how the students were
disciplined back then but it
didn't happen to much for two reasons not only would you get paddled at school but when you went home you got another paddling and the second reason she said it was a
privilege to get to go to school so for the most part students

Harold is a very old old pig..................

The church.............

The three shots fired 15 min.
until the show.................
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