The day had arrived to run my first half marathon, I told Sadie that morning she might have to drag me across the finish line. She said with confidence mom you can do it you have been running 9, 10, 12,miles. I just wanted to finish and yes 2hours 21 minutes later I came across the finish line. Along with Rachelle, Annette and Erin.That year of running 5 days a week payed off. It was a great feeling ,shortly after the run my dear friend Annette said so are you ready to do a full marathon in May with me(is she crazy)......... Although I am excited to continue to run I don't think I want to do 26.2 miles ( not quite yet anyways). I am looking forward to running a 10k for the two sisters ONE HEART on valentine, then the Pat Tillmon run shortly after and then in June, run with all the Sister and sisternlaws( to fun).Fun times,maybe not in the moment but at the end its way worth it.

My first race was a few years ago called the turkey trot, it was a 10k( 6.3 miles) by the 4th mile I thought I was going to die I had this sweet lady run to the side of me telling me two relax my shoulders , she stayed with me for awhile coaching me telling me I can do it . What an angel she was to me . Another thing that I remember was a dad with his kids they had made a sign " my mom can run faster than you".To cute...
This race I remember a lady before the race said its only three hours of my life. Another lady was at different spots of the race in the back of her grey pickup cheering each individual person on,keep going, your doing a great job, you can do it.
"Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing................MAKE THE MIND RUN THE BODY."
Way to go, Good for you girl.
I better not be part of the "sister-n-law" Run... I think I am busy that day..... hehehehe I will be the water girl....
Way to go! I couldn't imagine doing that. I love the picture of Erin.
I am so proud of you... you are just one amazing woman... Great job.
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