Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Night Not Forgotton

This was the night of Savanas Kinder Christmas Choir Night. I was so excited it was on a Tuesday night , Dad would be home this will be a fun family event, we will even go to dinner. Why when you plan stuff out in your head it doesn't always seem to go that way . Needless to say it was one of those days. Sage came home sick with the flu and then shortly after Sadie wasn't feeling so good. Dad stayed home with sick kids and we made the best of it. I think Savana enjoyed the one on one . She felt pretty special,Rylee gave Savanna a pretty dress to wear. Savana loved the dress so much she slept in it and wore it the next day to school. Rylee was so kind to let Savana keep it. Savana did such a good job we went to Bahama bucks for a sweet treat.I believe I got the better end of the deal, thanks dad for staying home with the sicklings.

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