This was a new fun thing ,Grandpa and Grandma got these cool bells so the kids could play x-mas songs the kids loved it.
Jake and Christopher growing up to fast...............

Chris and Kathena had are name and they made these cool drawing /eating trays , each one personlized for each of us way fun .
And you wander were Jarod gets it from.......This man right here...........
Jarod and Kami hangin out..........
Every year the kids share a talent with everyone and usually we forget to do something so this time we came prepared , the kids were practicing all day and Sage even drew a new picture to share.This is Sadie playing the piano. After Savana got enough courage she sang a song called theres a flower in the smallest garden. It took Lacey getting up first singing , she has a amazing voice. Then Sophie shared her talent she loves to dance. And Sage had me share some of his art which was awesome ( picture will come later).

What a fun idea Nancy made us these adorable aprons and these cute recipe holders along with Grandpas help . The guys got tools and we both received the Reflection slide show DVD and book which I was excited about.

Chris and Kathena had are name and they made these cool drawing /eating trays , each one personlized for each of us way fun .

What a fun idea Nancy made us these adorable aprons and these cute recipe holders along with Grandpas help . The guys got tools and we both received the Reflection slide show DVD and book which I was excited about.

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