Hard times but what a blessing to have the gospel in are lives. My sister and I and are youngest made a trip over to California this week to attend my sisternlaws sisters funeral. Patricia and Mario lost there darling little baby girl three hours after giving birth to her. it has been very tuff on all the family as you could imagine but what faith they have had through this whole experience knowing they will see there beautiful daughter again. There oldest daughter Alyesia(4 years old) asked are there bottles in heaven and will I have a chance to feed her there? Yes off coarse and what a sweet reunion that will be.
The cousins played so cute they even decided to dress up Shae and do his hair because it has grown so long.

My sweet sisternlaw Candace with Shae boy and cute Curn and baby in moms tummy.........

My sweet sisternlaw Ali and baby Nash boy has his thighs grown..................

Camilla beans,Nash, Noah and Kailey having fun .............

Nash has grow so much...

A day never forgotten..... Are heart goes out to the family. We love you very much.

It was nice to get to see my brother Tyson and his family and my mom .(Noah sporting a cute little suit he looked so handsome)

I have to say I had such a nice time getting to visit with my sister Cara on thte drive over to Cali. My sister and I dont get to see each other as often as we use to. We both moved on opposite side of Arizona.
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