What a fun Halloween we all had. The kids were so excited that family and friends were coming over. We went trick er treating ,got to eat yummy food, and then played some games. This first picture Sophie was a little scared of her big brother(pirate skeleton).Sadie was Hannah Montana, Savana was ballerina student,and Sophie a pumpkin.
I asked my kids what there favorite part of Halloween was and there favorite candy they got .
SAGE-going trickertreating,life savor gummies and regular life savors
SADIE-getting to go on a scavenger hunt, sour skittles,blow pops and off coarse the chocolates mom
SAVANA-getting to play the spider game and the doughnut game, favorite candy all of it, milk dudes, Reese's cups, and m&ms
Sophie-getting to watch all the lights and people around her while we went trickertreating and her favorite candy was the 5 dumb dumb sucker her sibling shared with her
Moms- favorite part of Halloween is being with family and friends and seeing how much fun the kids are having especially my oldest my husband who put his jumping stilts on and bounced all over and amused many people while we went trick treating,olso my favorite thing to do is rade my kids bags and get my favorite candy, twix, milk duds, peanut butter m&ms and pretty much anything chocolate.

Rylyn cheer leader and Tucker Indiana Jones

Rylee was Frankenstiens wife..... And Christopher was a joker he sported a sweet jacket And Jake was Robby Ray had a sweet mulet, Keagon was indiana jonesJ.D was batman , Kayleb was mut

J.D. Whats up?

you stud ,this takes him and Jarod back to the day,except there mullet wasn't quiet that long .

Look how cute these treats are fingers and cats .( Aunt Kami made them ) We had lots of yummy food thanks to all the girls yummy chilli,cornbread,salsa,lots of treats.......Yum......

Aunt Kami did this fun spider game, Savana said mom that was my favorite....

Aunt Kathina did the doughnet game which the kids loved, especially Sadie who got to scared to do it at school because there were only boys playing in her group at the end of the game she looked up at me and said I wish I played it looks fun. So Sadie was thrilled to play...

Kaleb had fun until Jarod hit him with the doughnut ..Sorry Kaleb

Jake got it after all the torture of the two bigger boys Chis and Jarod.....

Savanger hunt-Rylyn, Savana, and Keagon got to mush through some brains teeth and eyeballs to try to find a clue ( the older kids beat them to it)

Wear could the treasure be?...........

The kids had fun playing red rover ...........

What a fun time we all had thanks to everyone who helped make the night special for the kids.....
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